Fort Bragg artist David Silveira brings his renowned water color scenes of North Coast harbors, piers, boats and bridges front-and-center as featured artist for November at the Edgewater Gallery, 356 N. Main St., near Laurel. His show begins on First Friday, Nov. 4, 5-8 p.m. A Mendocino coast native with a degree in art from Cal State Hayward, Silveira uses subtle earth tones and demure hues to show the effect time and the elements have had upon natural and manmade objects. Variations of light, shadow and texture evoke the many somber moods of the coast.
Edgewater was founded in 2003 and has nearly 20 full-time and guest members who offer a variety of artistic mediums, from jewelry and ceramics to oils, watercolors, photography, and sculpture. The gallery is open 10 to 5 daily and until 6 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. For more information, please call (707) 964-4668 or visit online at
Edgewater Gallery 356 N Main Street Fort Bragg, California 95437 Phone: (707) 964-4668 Web: