“Edgewater is proud to provide this opportunity to help MAC during this challenging economic time,” says Porter, a long-time member of the artist-owned gallery. “These outstanding artists have donated some excellent works that also will provide great value to buyers during this special exhibition.” Founded in 1959 by Bill and Jenny Zacha, the art center performed a pivotal role in building Mendocino Village into the internationally known art community it is today.
Edgewater also will be a stop on the Mendocino County Celebrates American Craft Week tour, Oct. 7-16. Gallery members Rhoda Teplow (beading) and Patricia Breed (silk painting) will present demonstrations on Monday, Oct. 10, from 2-4 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 15, from 2 -4 p.m., respectively. A complete Crafts Week schedule is available at www.VisitMendocino.com.
Edgewater was founded in 2003 and has nearly 20 full-time and guest members who offer a variety of artistic mediums, from jewelry and ceramics to oils, watercolors, photography, and sculpture. The gallery is open 10 to 5 daily and until 6 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. For more information please call (707) 964-4668 or visit online at www.edgewatergallery.net.